
Munich Summer & Oktoberfest Accommodation | Review of THE TENT

I’ll admit, I wasn’t thrilled about having to stay in Munich for two nights during my July Europe trip. I’d been to the city before for the incredible Christmas markets and while it is a completely different experience in the summertime, it’s also significantly more expensive. Germany is also a pretty expensive country, especially in comparison with many of the other places I was stopping in, and when you’re trying to stretch a budget across 5 weeks, it represented more damage than I would’ve liked.

So, to deal with this, we opted to really be cheap on accommodation, and stay in a 200 person tent on the outskirts of the city center. Welcome to THE TENT. While it was not what I’d call a “pleasant” stay, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and it was for only 2 nights. I like to think I am a traveler who can handle anything and that sometimes you have to skimp luxury to meet your budget!

I’ll break down the experience into a Pros & Cons list so you’ll know what to expect if this is what you’re considering for a stay in Munich.


It’s by far the cheapest option for staying in Munich during peak season. We paid about €15/night each. In comparison, beds in shared dorms of 12-16 people in the city center ran about €45/night. No thanks.

It’s not far from the metro/train stop.

The bathrooms were clean and I never had to wait for a shower.

The food & drinks offered in the onsite kitchen & bar were cheap.

It was surprisingly quiet considering how many people were staying in the structure

Huge storage lockers to keep your stuff safe.

Campfire with seating to hang out at during the evening.


You’re sharing a large room with 200 people.

They definitely don’t change the bed linens nor wash the heavy blankets they give you in between guests. Wear pajamas that fully cover your skin and then wash them after your stay!

No pillow. I fashioned my sweatshirt into a pillow and made due, or a travel pillow could be your saving grace.

Loud enough that you’ll need earplugs.

Cold at night. Even in July, it was rather chilly in the evenings.

No electrical outlets in the tent, electronics had to be charged at the reception.

No towels provided so bring your own!

If I visit Munich again, I wouldn’t stay at the Tent. It was a cool experience and is an excellent option for budget travelers who cannot afford the ridiculous accommodation prices during the summer months or Oktoberfest, but the lack of privacy and basic comforts make me never want to book a 200 person dorm/sleeping situation ever again. Glad we did it, but in the future I think I’ll search for an Airbnb or fork over more money for a proper hostel bed.

Have you or anyone you know stayed at The Tent or in a similar arrangement while traveling to cut costs? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments!



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